Established in 2013, DKD Machine Services are a major player in the industry when it comes to the installation,
maintenance, and preventative maintenance of all major woodworking machines. With a combined experience
of over 50 years, our highly skilled team can assist you with sourcing the best possible machine for your application
and can maintain your machine so that production loss is kept to an absolute minimum.

Having installed and maintained numerous large
panel processing plants, and smaller more traditional
machines in the past, we are a local and active participant
in the Western Cape’s woodworking community
and we pride ourselves on installing machinery according
to the exact specifications of the manufacturer.

At DKD Machine Services, our objective is to ensure
that your machine is kept in the best possible working
condition during its lifespan, and we provide our customers
with the option to either overhaul the machine to its former
glory or to assist in the acquisition of a new machine
using the latest technology and available materials.